Hendrik Loewe

Hi, my name is

Hendrik Loewe.

And I Make Computers Go Beep-Boop

I am a young web-developer based in Wuppertal, Germany. I strive for correctness, clean code and performance.

An image of myself during vacation in New York

About Me

I am primarily working with Angular and Symfony and currently studying computer-science at the FOM-Hochschule in Düsseldorf.

At work I develop highly complex configurators for our customers, which let users configure products to their individual needs.

In my freetime I like to learn more about coding and try to improve myself towards writing clean, correct and performant code. Right now this includes using Rust for learning language design and compilation. As well as experimenting with tools for easier testing in Angular.

Here are the technologies, I would consider myself most comfortable with:


Software Engineer

Software Engineering Trainee

Software Engineering Intern

Software Engineer

Just started this position, so there is not much to say here for now :) Check out my previous workplaces if you wanna know more about what i do ^^

Software Engineering Trainee

Web Fabric GmbH

8/2021- 8/2023

I worked as a software engineering trainee at Web-Fabric GmbH in Wuppertal for 3 days a week, while I visited a university the rest of the week. At work, we developed complex configurators, shops and other custom solutions for our customers. My typical day at work contained the following activities:

  • Implementing new features in the front- or backend using our Techstack (Angular, Symfony and Postgres)
  • Reviewing Angular code of my coworkers and assissting them in writing performant and reactive code
  • Maintaining an internal framework to handle rendering and change-processing of forms with several hundred fields and options
  • Improving the Requirements-Engineering workflow at our company

Software Engineering Intern

Web Fabric GmbH

10/2019- 8/2021

After a 2 week long internship, which we had to do in order to get our degree, I got a job offer from Web-Fabric GmbH. I convinced them of the knowledge in programming, which I gained by doing software-engineering as a hobby since I was ten years old. In the first year I had a mentor on my side, supervising my rewrite of an existing API in ASP.NET Core. While, in the second year, I got to develop implementations of an internal framework as sample-applications, so other developers on our team could understand and use the library more easily.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

9/2021 - 5/2025
FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management

GPA: average until now, 1.2 out of 5 (1 to 5, lower is better)

  • Scientific Papers:
    • Image processing and facial recognition using artificial intelligence
    • Product-specifications-heet for the implementation of a smart-mirror
    • Advantages of a docker based infrastructure during the development and deployment of software

University Entrance Diploma

8/2013 - 8/2021
Carl-Fuhlrott-Gymnasium, Wuppertal

GPA: 832 out of 900

  • A-Level Subjects:
    • Mathematics (Intensive Course)
    • Geography (Intensive Course)
    • Computer Science (Oral Basic Course)
    • English (Written Basic Course)
  • In 10th grade I worked on a scientific paper on how to secure a modern web-application
  • From 10th to 12th grade I regularly took part in an astronomy course, where we worked with highly professional equipment to observe stars, nebulas and learn about our galaxy at the Schülerlabor Astronomie
  • I discovered a highly severe security vulnerability in our schools online system, revealing the passwords of students
  • I developed a web-application for a school project about the european union
  • I volunteered as an event-technician for our school events, setting up cameras, lights and audio for i.e. the Symfonie-Orchester Wuppertal

Get in touch

Feel free to shoot me a message on one of my socials or by mailing me

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